证据法学经典文献推荐(外文类) |
2007-11-22 |
CHAPTER I Introduction to Evidence and Evidence Rules
Part One: Origins and Organizing Principles of Evidence Law
A. The Origins of a Rational System of Evidence Law
James B. Thayer, A Preliminary Treatise on Evidence (1898)
B. The Origins of Contemporary Evidence Scholarship
Kenneth W. Graham, Jr., 'There'll Always Be an England': The Instrumental Ideology of Evidence, 85 MICH. L. REV. 1204, 1207-09, 1228-31, 1234 (1987)
C. The "Organizing Principles" of Evidence Law
Edward J. Imwinkeiried, The Worst Evidence Principle: The Best Hypothesis as to the Logical Structure of Evidence Law, 46 U. MIAMI L. REV. 1069, 1069-71 (1992)
Dale Nance, The Best Evidence Principle, 73 IOWA L. REV. 227 (1988)
Edward J. Imwinkelried, The Worst Evidence Principle: The Best Hypothesis as to the Logical Structure of Evidence Law, 46 U. MIAMI L. REV. 1069, 1074-77 (1992)
D. Evidence and Gender
Kit Kinports, Evidence Engendered, 1991 U. ILL. L. REV. 413 (1991)
Part Two: Statutory Interpretation
Edward Cleary, Preliminary Notes on Reading the Rules of Evidence, 57 NEB. L. REV. 908 (1978)
Edward R. Becker & Aviva Orenstein, The Federal Rules of Evidence After Sixteen Years--The Effect of "Plain Meaning" Jurisprudence, The Need for an Advisory Committee on the Rules of Evidence, and Suggestions for Selective Revision of the Rules, 60 GEO. WASH. L. REV. 857 (1992)
Andrew E. Taslitz, Interpretive Method and the Federal Rules of Evidence: A Call for a Politically Realistic Hermeneutics, 32 HARV. J. ON LEGIS. 329 (1995)
Randolph N. Jonakait, The Supreme Court. Plain Meaning, and the Changed Rules of Evidence, 68 TEX. L. REV. 745 (1990)
Glen Weissenberger, The Supreme Court and the Interpretation of the Federal Rules of Evidence, 53 OHIO. ST. L.J. 1307 (1992)
Edward J. Imwinkelried, A Brief Defense of the Supreme Court's Approach to the Interpretation of the Federal Rules of Evidence, 27 IND. L. REV. 267 (1993)
Eileen A. Scallen, Classical Rhetoric, Practical Reasoning, and the Law of Evidence, 44 AM. U. L. REV. 101 (1995)
CHAPTER II Logical Relevance
A. Conditional Logical Relevance
John MacArthur Maguire & Charles S. S. Epstein, Preliminary Questions of Fact in Determining the Admissibility of Evidence, 40 HARV. L. REV. 392 (1927)
Edmund M. Morgan, Functions of Judge and Jury in the Determination of Preliminary Questions Fact, 43 HARV. L. REV. 165 (1929)
John Kaplan, Of Mabrus and ZorgssAn Essay in Honor of David Louisell, 66 CAL. L. REV. 987 (1978)
Dale A. Nance, Conditional Relevance Reinterpreted, 70 B.U. L. REV. 447 (1990)
B. The Validation of Scientific Evidence
Paul C. Giannelli, The Admissibility of Novel Scientific Evidence: Frye v. United States, a Half-Century Later, 80 COLUM. L. REV. 1197 (1980)
Stephen A. Saltzburg, Frye end Alternatives, 99 F.R.D. 208 (1983)
James E. Starrs, Frye v. United States Restructured and Revitalized: A Proposal to Amend Federal Rule of Evidence 702, 115 F.R.D. 92 (1987)
Bert Black, Francisco J. Ayala & Carol Saffran-Brinks, Science and the Law in the Wake of Daubert: A New Search for Scientific Knowledge, 72 TEX. L. REV. 715 (1994)
Kenneth J. Chesebro, Taking Daubert's Focus Seriously: The Methodology/Conclusion Distinction, 15 CARDOZO L. REV. 1745 (1994)
C. The Validity of Non-Scientitic Expert Testimony
John William Strong, Language and Logic in Expert Testimony: Limiting Expert Testimony by Restrictions of Function, Reliability, and Form, 71 OR. L. REV. 349 (1992)
David McCord, Syndromes, Profiles and Other Mental Exotica: A New Approach to the Admissibility of Nontraditional Psychological Evidence in Criminal Cases, 66 OR. L. REV. 19 (1987)
David L. Faigman, To Have and Have Not: Assessing the Value of Social Science to the Law as Science and Policy, 38 EMORY L.J. 1005 (1989)
Randolph N. Jonakait, Real Science and Forensic Science, 1 SHEPARO'S EXP. AND SCI. EVID. Q. 435 (1994)
CHAPTER III "Legal Relevance"
A. The Concept of "Legal Relevance"
M. C. Slough, Relevancy Unraveled, 5 KANSAS L. REV. 1 (1956)
Herman L. Trautman, Logical or Legal RelevancysA Conflict in Theory, 5 VAND. L. REV. 385 (1952)
Victor J. Gold, Limiting Judicial Discretion to Exclude Prejudicial Evidence, 18 U.C. DAVIS L. REV. 59 (1984)
Richard O. Lempert, Modeling Relevance, 75 MICH. L. REV. 1021 (1977)
B. The Role of Judicial Discretion in the Legal Relevance Doctrine
Jon R. Waltz, Judicial Discretion in the Admission of Evidence Under the Federal Rules of Evidence, 79 NW. U. L. REV. 1097 (1985)
Thomas W. Mengler, The Theory of Discretion in the Federal Rules of Evidence, 74 IOWA L. REV. 413, 416-25, 446-47, 457-58 (1989)
CHAPTER IV Privileges and Extrinsic Social Policy
A. The History and Theory of Privilege Law
Geoffrey C. Hazard, Jr., An Historical Perspective on the Attorney-Client Privilege, 66 CAL. L. REV. 1061 (1978)
David W. Louiseil, Confidentiality, Conformity and Confusion: Privileges in Federal Court Today, 31 TULANE L. REV. 101 (1956)
B. Privileges Under the Federal Rules of Evidence
Thomas G. Krattenmaker, Testimonial Privileges in Federal Courts: An Alternative to the Proposed Federal Rules of Evidence, 62 GEO. L.J. 61 (1973)
Thomas G. Krattenmaker, Interpersonal Testimonial Privileges Under the Federal Rules of Evidence: A Suggested approach, 64 GEO. L.J. 613 (1976)
C. An Alternate Theory of Privileges
Sanford Levinson, Testimonial Privileges and the Preferences of Friendship, 1984 DUKE L.J. 631
D. Exceptions to Privileges
Harry I. Subin, The Lawyer as Superego: Disclosure of Client Confidences to Prevent Harm, 70 IOWA L. REV. 1091 (1985)
Robert P. Mosteller, Child Abuse Reporting Laws and Attorney-Client Confidences: The Reality and the Specter of Lawyer as Informant, 42 DUKE L.J. 203 (1992)
John G. Fleming and Bruce Maximov, The Patient or His Victim: The Therapist's Dilemma, 62 CAL. L. REV. 1025 (1974)
E. Spousal Immunity
Richard O. Lempert, A Right to Every Woman's Evidence, 66 IOWA L. REV. 725 (1981)
F. Other Extrinsic Social Policy and the Law of Evidence
M.C. Slough, Relevancy Unraveled, Part 111, 5 KAN. L. REV. 675 (1957)
CHAPTER V Character Evidence
Part One: General Considerations
A. The Logic
H. Richard Uviller, Evidence of Character to Prove Conduct: Illusion, Illogic, and Injustice in the Courtroom, 130 U. PA. L. REV. 845 (1982)
Richard B. Kuhns, The Propensity to Misunderstand the Character of Specific Acts Evidence, 66 IOWA L. REV. 777 (1981)
Glen Weissenberger, Making Sense of Extrinsic Act Evidence: Federal Rule of Evidence 404(b), 70 IOWA L. REV. 579 (1985)
B. The Psychological Assumptions
David P. Leonard, The Use of Character to Prove Conduct: Rationality and Catharsis in the Law of Evidence, 58 U. COLO. L. REV. 1 (1986-87)
Part Two: Specific Problems
A. Evidence of Detendant's Character In Sex-Related Crimes
David P. Bryden and Roger C. Park, Other Crimes. Evidence in Sex Offense Cases, 78 MINN. L. REV. 529 (1994)
B. The Sexual History of Rape Victims
Harriett R. Galvin, Shielding Rape Victims in the State and Federal Courts: A Proposal for the Second Decade, 70 MINN. L. REV. 763 (1986)
C. Character and Credibillty
Richard Friedman, Character Impeachment: Psycho-Bayesian [!?] Analysis and a Proposed Overhaul, 38 UCLA L. REV.637 (1991)
Part One: The Definition of Hearsay
John MacArthur Maguire, The Hearsay System: Around and Through the Thicket, 14 VAND. L. REV. 741 (1961)
Edmund M. Morgan, Hearsay Dangers and the Application of the Hearsay Concept, 62 HARV. L. REV.177 (1948)
Judson F. Falknor, The Hearsay Rule as a "See-Do" Rule: Evidence of Conduct, 33 ROCKY MTN. L. REV.133 (1961)
Olin Guy Wellborn lil, The Definition of Hearsay in the Federal Rules of Evidence, 61 TEX L REV 49 (1982)
I. Daniel Stewart, Jr., Perception, Memory, and Hearsay: A Criticism of the Present Law and the Proposed Federal Rules of Evidence, 1970 UTAH L. REV.1
Roger C. Park, "I Didn't Tell Them Anything About You": Implied Assertions Under the Federal Rules of Evidence, 74 MINN. L. REV. 783 (1990)
Michael H. Graham, "Stickperson Hearsay": A Simplified Approach to Understanding the Rule Against Hearsay, 1982 U. ILL. L. REV.903
Laurence H. Tribe, Triangulating Hearsay, 87 HARV. L. REV. 957 (1974)
Eleanor Swift, A Foundation Fact Approach to Hearsay, 75 CAL. L. REV.1339 (1987)
Part Two: Admissible Hearsay
A. Overview of Admissible Hearsay
B. Admissions
Christopher B. Mueller, The Federal Coconspirator Exception: Action, Assertion, and Hearsay, 12 HOFSTRA L. REV. 323 (1984)
C. Spontaneous Statements
Jon R. Waltz, The Present Sense Impression Exception to the Rule Against Hearsay: Origins and Attributes, 66 IOWA L. REV.869 (1981)
D. The Hillmon Doctrine
Brooks W. MacCracken, The Case of the Anonymous Corpse, AMERICAN HERITAGE. June 1968, at 51
John M. Maguire, The Hillmon CasesThirty-Three Years After, 38 HARV. L. REV.709 (1925)
E. Records and Reports
Charles T. McCormick, Can Courts Make Wider Use of Reports of Official Investigations?, 42 IOWA L. REV.363, 364-65 (1957)
Paul C. Giannelli, The Admissibility of Laboratory Reports in Criminal Trials: The Reliability of Scientific Proof, 49 OHIO ST. L.J. 671 (1988)
F. Child Sexual Abuse and Confrontation
Robert P. Mosteller, Child Sexual Abuse and Statements for the Purpose of Medical Diagnosis or Treatment, 67 N.C. L. REV. 257 (1989)
G. Reform of the Hearsay System
Roger Park, A Subject Matter Approach to Hearsay Reform, 86 MICH. L. REV. 51 (1987)
CHAPTER VII The Cumulative Legal Sutticlency of the Evidence
A. Presumptions
Ronald J. Allen, Presumptions in Civil Actions Reconsidered, 66 IOWA L. REV. 843 (1981)
Francis H. Bohlen, The Effect of Rebuttable Presumptions of Law Upon the Burden of Proof, 68 U. PA. L. REV. 307 (1920)
Charles V. Laughlin, In Support of The Thayer Theory of Presumptions, 52 MICH. L. REV. 195 (1953)
Charles T. McCormick, What Shall the Trial Judge Tell the Jury About Presumptions?, 13 WASH. L REV. 185 (1938)
B. The Validity of Adapting Statistical Techniques to Use at Trial
Michael O. Finkelstein & William B. Fairley, A Bayesian Approach to Identification Evidence, 83 HARV. L REV.489 (1970)
David Kaye, The Laws of Probability and the Law of the Land, 47 U. CHI. L REV 34 (1979)
L. Jonathan Cohen, Subjective Probability and the Paradox of the Gatecrasher, 1981 ARIZ. ST. L.J. 627
David Kaye, Paradoxes, Gedanken Experiments and the Burden of Proof: A Response to Dr. Cohen's Reply, 1981 ARIZ. ST. L.J. 635
C. The Wisdom of Relying on Statistical Evidence to Satisfy the Burder of Proof
Laurence H. Tribe, Trial by Mathematics: Precision and Ritual in the Legal Process, 84 HARV. L REV.1329 (1971)
Charles Nesson, The Evidence or the Event? On Judicial Proof and the Acceptability of Verdicts, 98 HARV. L. REV 1357 (1985)
Daniel Shaviro, Statistical-Probability Evidence and the Appearance of Justice, 103 HARV. L REV 530 (1989)
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ball pen 发表评论: ( 2010-10-11 13:09:51 )
Thank you Grace, for your Truth. Thank you Deepak for pointing the way here And thank you Mallika for providing this place for us to come together in integrity power strips for our day to day sometimes seemingly mundane intentionsextension cordsand also for times of sharing deeper thought, feeling, comfort and love. With Love and Gratitude, Mahaila |
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Tonight I am starting a fitness regimen called . Should I be doing so? I’m not entirely sure but I do know that the only way I ever really get into shape is by diving in head first and giving it my all and that is what P90X supposedly demands of me. To start with I have to take a fitness test to see how I stand (and to make sure I’m ready for the program). I know I probably am not ready but that is what the whole head first thing is all about.Toward the end of fitness and transparency into the program and my results I am going to log my results here. Many of the readers of this blog may really not want to read these posts so you will know when it is a P90X post because every post about it will start with the prefix of P90X: just like this one is.The fitness test has one part I can’t do because I don’t own any kind of dumbbells at the moment; I also don’t have a pull-up bar so I tried to do some on a wooden thing that hangs in my garage and that is covered with some plywood – it tore up my hands but I did what I could (perhaps I should have worn gloves). |
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Shasa 发表评论: ( 2010-10-4 10:46:09 )
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Love and knowledge, so far as they were possible, led upward toward the heavens. But always it brought me back to earth. Echoes of cries of pain reverberate in my heart. Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a hated burden to their sons, and the whole world of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be. I long to alleviate the evil, but I cannot, and I too suffer. |
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很不错啊 发表评论: ( 2011-7-19 9:28:26 )
1、 叶轮是离心泵的核心部分,它转速高输出力大,叶轮上的叶片又起到主要作用,叶轮在装配前要通过静平衡实验。叶轮上的内外表面要求光滑,以减少水流的摩擦损失。
2、 泵体也称泵壳,它是水泵的主体。起到支撑固定作用,并与安装轴承的托架相连接。
3、 泵轴的作用是借联轴器和电动机相连接,将电动机的转矩传给叶轮,所以它是传递机械能的主要部件。
滑动轴承使用的是透明油作润滑剂的 加油到油位线。太多油要沿泵轴渗出并且漂失,太少轴承又要过热烧坏造成事故!在水泵运行过程中轴承的温度最高在85℃一般运行在60度左右,如果高了就要查找原因(是否有杂质,油质是否发黑,是否进水)并及时处理!
5、 密封环又称减漏环。叶轮进口与泵壳间的间隙过大会造成泵内高压区的水经此间隙流向低压区,影响泵的出水量,效率降低!间隙过小会造成叶轮与泵壳摩擦产生磨损。为了增加回流阻力减少内漏,延缓叶轮和泵壳的所使用寿命,在泵壳内缘和叶轮外援结合处装有密封环,密封的间隙保持在0.25~1.10mm之间为宜。
6、 填料函主要由填料,水封,填料筒,填料压盖,水封管组成。填料函的作用主要是为了封闭泵壳与泵轴之间的空隙,不让泵内的水流流到外面来也不让外面的空气进入到泵内。始终保持水泵内的真空!当泵轴与填料摩擦产生热量就要靠水封管注水到水封圈内使填料冷却!保持水泵的正常运行。所以在水泵的运行巡回检查过程中对填料函的检查是特别要注意!在运行600个小时左右就要对填料进行更换。
7、轴向力平衡装置 在离心泵运行过程中,由于液体是在低压下进入叶轮,而在高压下流出,使叶轮两侧所受压力不等,产生了指向入口方向的轴向推力,会引起转子发生轴向窜动,产生磨损和振动,因此应设置轴向推力轴承,以便平衡轴向力。
9、离心泵的种类很多,分类方法常见的有以下几种方式1按叶轮吸入方式分:单吸式离心泵 双吸式离心泵。2按叶轮数目分:单级离心泵 多级离心泵。3按叶轮结构分:敞开式叶轮离心泵 半开式叶轮离心泵 封闭式叶轮离心泵。4按工作压力分:低压离心泵 中压离心泵 高压离心泵边立式离心泵。
10、当泵壳内存有空气,因空气的密度比液体的密度小得多而产生较小的离心力。从而,贮槽液面上方与泵吸入口处之压力差不足以将贮槽内液体压入泵内,即离心泵无自吸能力,使离心泵不能输送液体,此种现象称为“气缚现象”。为了使泵内充满液体,通常在吸入管底部安装一带滤网的底阀,该底阀为止逆阀,滤网的作用是防止固体物质进入泵内损坏叶轮或妨碍泵的正常操作 |
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123123 发表评论: ( 2011-7-22 17:20:56 )
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btftoo 发表评论: ( 2011-7-22 9:12:57 )
三、1.控制类电器:包括接触器、开关电器、控制继电器、主令电器等。其在电路中主要起控制、转换作用。 2.保护类电器:包括熔断器、热继电器、过电流继电器、欠压继电器过电压继电器等。其在电路中起保护作用。
七、西方最早的“机械”定义为古罗马建筑师维特鲁威(Vitruvii)在其着作《建筑十书》给定为“机械是把木材结合起来的装置,主要对于搬运重物发挥效力”,机械和工具作了区别:“机械(machane)和工具(organon)之间似乎有着以下的区别。即机械是以多数人工和很大的力量而发生效果的,如重弩炮和葡萄压榨机。而工具则是一名操纵人员慎重地处理来达到目的的,如蝎形轻弩炮或不等圆的螺旋装置。因此工具和机械都是利用上不可缺少的东西。”亚历山大利亚·希罗(Heron of Alexandria)在1世纪最早讨论了机械的基本要素,他认为机械的要素有五类:轮与轴,杠杆,滑车,尖劈,螺旋。希罗的论述反映了古典机械的特征。机器具备机构的特征外,还必须具备第三个特征即能代替人类的劳动以完成有用的机械功或转换机械能,故机器能转换机械能或完成有用的机械功的机构。从结构和运动的观点来看 ,机构和机器 并无区别泛称为机械。
八、引机械密封(mechanical seal)是指由至少一对垂直于旋转轴线的端面在流体压力和补偿机构弹力(或磁力)的作用下以及辅助密封的配合下保持贴合并相对滑动而构成的防止流体泄漏的装置。弹力加载机构与辅助密封是金属性纹管的机械密封我们称为金属波纹管密封。
十一、广义的家具是指人类维持正常生活、从事生产实践和开展社会活动必不可少的一类器具。 狭义家具是指在生活、工作或社会实践中供人们坐、卧或支撑与贮存物品的一类器具与设备家具不仅是一种简单的功能物质产品,且是一种广为普及的大众艺术,它即要满足某些特定的用途,又要满足供人们观赏,使人在接触和 使用过程中产生某种审美快感和引发丰富联想的精神需求。受人们的年龄层次和接受文化教育的程度以及社会地位等等……如今多元的风格,包括新古典、后现代、欧式、美式、田园、乡村、地中海等等 风格都有一定的市场占有率,家具流行趋势瞬息万变,但永远不变的是这几种主流的家具风格。
十四、水晶(Quartz Crystal)是一种无色透明的大型石英结晶体矿物。它的主要化学成份是二氧化硅。化学式为SiO2。水晶呈无色、紫色、黄色、绿色及烟色等。玻璃光泽。透明至半透明。硬度7。性脆。无解理。水晶密度:2.56-2.66克/立方厘米。水晶折射率:1.544-1.553,几乎不超出此范围。水晶色散:0.013。水晶熔点为1713℃。
十六、塑料是工产品包装 一类具有可塑性的合成高分子材料。它与合成橡胶、合成纤维形成了当今日常生活不可缺少的三大合成材料。具体地说,塑料是以天然或成树脂为主要成分,加入各种添加剂,在一定温度和压力等条件下可以塑制成一定形状,在常温下保持形状变的材料。
十九、文教即就是儒学,也包括诸子百家等国学。 二十、传统的五金制品,也称“小五金”。是指铁、钢、铝等金属经过锻造、压延、切割、等等物理加工制造而成的各种金属器件。例如五金工具、五金零部件、日用五金、建筑五金以及安防用品等。小五金产品大都不是最终消费品。
二十一、箱包(xiāng bāo)是对袋子的统称,是用来装东西的各种包包的统称,包括一般的购物袋,背包、单肩包、挎包、腰包和多种拉杆箱等等的统称。
二十五、轴承(bearing)是在机械传动过程中起固定和减小载荷摩擦系数的部件。也可以说,当其它机件在轴上彼此产生相对运动时,用来降低动力传递过程中的摩擦系数和保持轴中心位置固定的机件。 |
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